
A fever is a temporary rise in body temperature usually caused by an illness.

What causes a fever?

A fever is your body's natural response to fighting off an illness. Here's what might be triggering a fever:

  • Viral infections: Colds, flu, COVID-19, and others.
  • Bacterial infections: Strep throat, ear infections, or pneumonia.
  • Heat exhaustion: From prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  • Other medical conditions: Such as arthritis or certain cancers.

When should I worry about my child's fever?

  • Babies under 3 months: Any fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher needs immediate medical attention.
  • Children 3 months+: Seek care for fevers of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher lasting over 24 hours.
  • Any child with concerning symptoms: Like lethargy, irritability, or vomiting.

What to expect at a doctor's visit for a fever

  • Evaluation: The doctor examines your child.
  • Discussion: You'll discuss symptoms and medical history.
  • Tests (if needed): X-rays, blood tests, etc., to find the cause.

How to treat a fever

  • Mild fevers: May not need treatment as they help fight the infection.
  • Medications: Over-the-counter options can reduce discomfort.
  • Treating the cause: Antibiotics might be used for bacterial infections.

Need help with a child's fever? Visit Night Watch Pediatric Urgent Care or Click Here to Book Online.